Lady Sings the Blues

Lady Sings the Blues


Green Tea

Are you ready for a tea experience like no other? The green tea you're about to enjoy is not only delicious, but it produces a beautiful, shimmering blue infusion that's sure to impress. Its unique blend of green tea, rosehip, blue pea flower petals, hawthorn fruit, and blue cornflower petals, combined with natural flavors, creates a truly one-of-a-kind taste experience. Treat yourself to this extraordinary tea and savor every sip. Enjoy!

Made with Green tea, Rosehip, Blue Pea flower petals, Hawthorne fruit, Blue Cornflower petals, and Natural flavors (organic).

Steeping Instructions

Temperature: 185°

Measurement: 1 Teaspoon

Steeping Time: 3-5 minutes

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